I've been able to experience a good amount of Texas this past year. I have trekked to San Antonio to see the Alamo, visited Austin, gazed at a Texas night sky in the middle of the country, swam in Galveston, floated the river in New Braunfels, downed a few Lone Stars, and done a decent amount of shopping at HEB. I suppose I am finally a Texan now, having recently put Texas plates on my car to match my Texas drivers license.
Moving to a new place is not always easy, even if you've done it a few times. Whether it is within a region or across the county, having roots displaced can be traumatic personally and spiritually, as you lose the nourishment of friends, family, fellowship and familiarity. Plants, when transplanted, often go through a period of shock before regaining their regular growing pattern. (I can thank this article, and my green-thumbed parents for teaching me this). But, there are precautions that gardeners can take in order to mitigate and minimize any shock the plants receive upon transplant, in order to ensure that the plants will continue to live healthy, fruit-bearing lives. As Christians, many of these precautions are also applicable to our lives within the Church.
There's one thing that made it easy to avoid any "shock" in Houston. That would be the Church. Yes, the saints at Sojourn here in Houston are largely responsible for this, but the larger fellowship of other brothers and sisters in Christ keeps us rooted in our identities in Christ. I could have avoided the minimization of shock, but I believe that as we continue to grow in holiness, we gain an innate desire for biblical fellowship and teaching. For my transplant, a faithful comrade assisted in sharing their experiences in Houston. As I cast a wide networking net, the Lord eventually led me to Sojourn. I arrived on that Saturday night, and attended a Sojourn Sunday Gathering the next day. I haven't left yet.
Even though I have not left, there have been times where I have groaned and complained. The faithful teaching of the men that led the churches I have previously attended, and the genuine fellowship of those within those congregations, has led to a less-than-lofty expectation for my church experience, recognizing that, starting with myself, people have sinful and selfish tendencies, and that there is not a Utopian church experience. At least not yet. That will happen when Christ returns.
It is apt that much of this past week has been a reflection of what life is like within the Church. My friend, and fellow Sojourner Drew Knowles wrote a necessary and encouraging reflection on relationships within the church entitled "Living With The Weeds" and church planting resident Marshall Dallas spoke on Sunday on Ephesians 4: 1-16, encouraging us that as Christians, and as a local church, we are unified spiritually, even though we continue to grow in unity in other areas, and have been given different gifts in which to serve our neighbors and church, but are all still dependent on the reconciling work of Christ.
Have I grown in holiness? Without a doubt. Has it been easy? Not a chance. It's not easy confronting others when you have sinned against them or feel they have hurt you. It's messy ending relationships or admitting personal sin. It's uncomfortable getting to know people below the surface. It's difficult surrendering personal preferences for the service of another. This holds true for any relationship, but is especially true in dedicated relationships within the church. And, even though there is difficulty, there is reward. Ephesians 4: 11-16 is a promise of this.
Overall, it's been a pretty good year in Houston. Has it always been comfortable? Definitely not. But, the comfort of Christ has continued to be lavished upon me through the Church, The Bride of Christ.
(I'm looking to explore the more natural side of Texas in the near-future, so we'll see how that goes in this second year!)